Sunday, August 16, 2020

Nord Pianet T Sample

I was poking around Nord's sample library archive yester-day, and I discovered what I believe is a Hohner Pianet T sample.  It's labelled simply "Pianet" in this collection, but it sounds similar to the Pianet T recordings that I've heard (including a demonstration record I recently found here).

For Nord's Pianet N sample, I had to turn the "decay/release" knob on my Nord Electro 5 towards "release" (I set it at 68 ms); otherwise, the sound stops too quickly.  With the Pianet T sample, I had to turn the knob towards "decay" (I set it at 4.61 s, although I may adjust this later).  If I hold down a key while using the Pianet N sample, the sound will eventually fade away on its own, but with the Pianet T sample, the sound keeps going.  The volume does trail off a bit after the key is struck, but it doesn't fade away completely.

An-other difference to note between the two is that the Pianet T is mapped correctly across the keys.  For some reason, the Pianet N sample is an octave too low.

A couple years ago, I found a Pianet T sample created by a Nord user, but it sounds a bit thin and the low C# is noticeably out of tune.  I don't know how often I'll use this newly discovered Pianet T sample (I still prefer the sound of the N model), but it's nice to have the option.

Somewhat related:  I recently found a video of a Bach two-part invention performed on a Pianet T: