Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Telemann: 168 Keyboard Pieces, TWV 36:64: Menuet: Die Blumen deiner schönen Wangen


Earlier this month, I was reviewing what pieces I'd done from Telemann's 168 Keyboard Pieces, TWV 36, and I discovered that I'd misunderstood something in the notation of No. 64, which resulted in my unknowingly playing a wrong note.  I'd thought that one note was a D flat because it looks like a D flat, but I know now from having gone through a number of movements from Telemann's ouvertures that he uses a flat sign to cancel out a sharp, so - if my understanding is correct - the flat sign in front of this particular D indicates that it should be played not as a D sharp, like the note in the previous measure, but as a D natural instead.  Since accidentals are reset in every measure in modern notation, it's really a superfluous marking.

Anyway, I felt I had to re-do the piece and play the correct note.

Here's my revised, modernized notation: